Friendly Inspiration

Experiences can stack up like past newspapers, yet hold much more symbolism. Recently, I reviewed the photos from my study abroad trip to Kaxil Kiuic in the Yucatan state of Mexico. For an impacting experience, I have made little time to process the trip, given I started spring semester soon after returning. Editing and reviewing the photos allowed me to immerse myself into the experience, again. I found this silly yet interesting photography of a friend and I hiking in through a Mayan ruin. She said this wonderful quote about "Nature Explorers", which meshes together ideas of discovery and travel.

"we are curious explorers! we are the future discoverers of the next and wildest frontier! there is no telling where we begin or end because the future is in our hands yet slips through our fingers like the sands of time!"

It reminds me of a quote from Eudora Welty's "One Writer's Beginning":

"It is our inward journey that leads us through time; forward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. Each of us is moving, changing with respect to others."

While our each of our life journeys are personal and unique, each becomes impacted by our acquaintances, friends and loved ones. With Eudora's perspective, we do not live life on an airport moving sidewalk, we turn, dart and travel through life being impacted by experiences and one another. We find what we need through each other; mostly it seems we are unknowingly impacted by each other. It's not until we reflect on our life experience that we truly realize the paths our inward journeys.

We cannot stop believing. For life's journey, our next destination remains unknown, yet this is the beauty and gift of life. We travel, we explore, we learn, we live - and through these actions we find experiences.

23 June 2010

2 responses to Friendly Inspiration

  1. Trevar says:

    I often hear life compared to a journey. I might like it better compared to an exploration. Thanks for that Bolton.

  2. I like this concept of "spiraling" time, rather than our typical linear thinking. When I was in Ecuador, an indigenous theologian talked about this belief held by the indigenous Andean people:

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